

In response to supply chain challenges, Groupe Prestige members combined their efforts to increase their purchasing power. They implemented well-structured and transparent initiatives, using a variety of approaches to stay competitive and secure optimal terms for their purchases.


The CTAQ is dedicated to promoting excellence and long-term growth in Quebec’s food processing industry by supporting its key players and creating a cohesive network, ultimately serving as the catalyst for collective intelligence to drive the industry’s sustainable development.


The ADFBP is a non-profit association with the goal of bringing together suppliers of ingredients, equipment, services, and distribution for bakers and pastry chefs.


The QPMA mobilizes efforts in the fruit and vegetable industry, simplifies their marketing strategies and promotes awareness about their health benefits to all of Quebec. A leading figure in the advancement of the industry in Quebec, the QPMA upholds the values of respect, integrity, responsibility, teamwork and dedication.


The Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Laval, one of the largest chambers in Quebec, represents overs 12,500 businesses within its territory. It plays a vital role in supporting and promoting the economic advancement of the region by fostering innovation and strategic partnerships.


Comité 21 embodies the principles of sustainable development in Quebec, providing guidance to businesses and institutions as they move towards a transition economy. With its knowledge in circular economy, ESG-CSR, and functional economy, it helps its members develop a green and sustainable economy, especially in the Monteregie region and north of the 49th parallel.


Drummond économique fosters economic growth for the community by creating ideal conditions for entrepreneurship and sustainable development in the Drummond RCM. A leader in the economic sector, respected across borders, its core values encompass collaboration, energy, customer focus, sustainable development and employee well-being.


La Société québécoise de la déficience intellectuelle (Le Support) was founded in 1988 to support the rights and interests of intellectually disabled people and their families. With over 90 association members, Le Support works tirelessly to foster a more equitable and inclusive society, ultimately improving the quality of life for intellectually disabled people and their families.


Opération Père Noël allows donors to step into the role of Santa Clause, granting less fortunate children their dream gifts. Donations are collected and distributed by volunteers across 16 regions of Quebec. Thanks to the help of hundreds of volunteers, thousands of children receive gifts every year.